Sweat Less Thanks to miraDry

Learn the Truth About Sweat & Odor

Did you know that there's absolutely no reason you should have to put up with underarm sweat and odor? You were born with approximately two million sweat glands throughout your body, but your underarms only contain about two percent of them. Eliminating that two percent doesn't affect your body's ability to naturally cool itself.

  • Are you annoyed or embarrassed by underarm sweat?
  • Are you tired of yellow underarm stains or antiperspirant marks on your shirts?
  • Do you avoid social activities because you’re anxious about how much you may sweat?
  • Are you seeking a more natural, toxin-free lifestyle?
  • Are you just tired of worrying about underarm sweat at all?


If you answered yes to any of the questions above, Growing Younger Clinic LLC offers miraDry - a safe, convenient and permanent solution to underarm sweat and odor. Call (256) 325-6398 to schedule your FREE consultation to see if miraDry is right for you!

Learn All About miraDry

The miraDry system is the only FDA-approved treatment that can dramatically reduce underarm sweat by addressing the root cause of excessive sweat and its accompanying odor instead of the symptoms.

How miraDry Works

miraDry uses thermal energy that targets and eliminates both the sweat and odor glands in your underarms. Once those glands are eliminated, they will not grow back. This treatment is typically complete in one hour and you should see results in as little as one treatment. However, as with any medical procedure, your physician will determine the best protocol to give you your desired results.

After the procedure is complete, you'll receive after-care instructions to ensure the best long-lasting results.

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